Constmach Concrete Batching Plants & Crushing and Screening Plants
CONSTMACH is the leader manufacturer of concrete batching plants crushing & screening equipment of Turkey. Mobile crushing and screening plants, cement silos, gravel screening and washing plants are other product types which are manufactured by CONSTMACH. CONSTMACH manufactures its products at its factories which are located in İzmir, Turkey. Our products are exported to over 50 countries on 5 continents. USA, Germany, France, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Latvia, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Senegal, Cameroon, Niger, Guinea, Somaliland and many other countries where our plants are preferred by our clients. Our main target is always manufacturing the plants and machinery which fully satisfy our clients’ needs and to maintain the reliability of our company name. Customer satisfaction is the most important business criteria for our company. CONSTMACH makes human centered designs and production in a way of respecting to the environment and occupational health and safety. CONSTMACH is a customer-focused, team-centered and quality assurance process-managed company and to be commitment to customer relationships is always primary in CONSTMACH. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate and CE Certificate of our products are the main indicators of our quality policy.